Sunday, June 29, 2008

This week...

I haven't done much of an update in a while, so here I go...

Last Sunday Tori and her family came to Idaho! We met them in Idaho Falls where we had dinner and hung out with our grandparents. Then on Monday i drove up to our uncle's cabin with them. We spent the night and then on Tuesday we went to Yellowstone for the day. It was so much fun to get to spend time with them! Pyper has gotten so big and is talking up a storm, and Taylor is as sweet and fun as always. Driving to and from Yellowstone we listened to one of the Tennis Shoes among the Nephites tapes, it was such a blast from the past, I loved it. Growing up if we took a road trip anywhere these tapes were coming too! We would listen for 45 minutes or so and get completely into it and then my Dad would turn it off and you would hear a resounding "Dad! awh! Don't!" (This included Mom too). Anyway, I'm glad Tori is keeping this tradition alive in her family.
Pyper and I choosing shampoo in WM)

The rest of the week hasn't been terribly exciting, class, work, tests, the usual. One kinda cool thing is that I am tied for being number 1 on my team at Melaleuca, which makes me number 3 in the department. I think if you're number one for the month you get a $100 bonus, which is way cool. Also, there is a company picnic next month and the top 4 in each department get to ride in a helicopter, it may sound childish but I think thats pretty darn cool, haha :) .

This coming week will be busy. We are dreading tomorrow because its month end at work and you all know how my experience with that last month was. Tuesday I have to go hiking at the Buttes for my geology lab, and then come Thurday after work we are on our way to Boise for the weekend. We are staying with Chris's brother Cody and his wife and 3 little kids. I know we're going to a water park one day, and I'm sure fireworks and a BBQ will be included in there somewhere too. We are very excited to get out of Rexburg for a little while!

PS. Happy Birthday to Josh and Dane!!

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