As some of you may know, Chris and I are obsessed with Panda Express. Its probably what attracted me to Chris the most when we were dating. (TOTALLY kidding, but it was a perk!) The only Panda in Idaho is in Boise and so we pine for it daily until we get our fill.
Let me tell you a little story to convey how much Panda means to me high school I went to Pandas at least once a week. So I went through crazy bad withdrawals when I moved up to Rexburg. Well when Chris and I started dating we took a trip to Utah and stopped in Ogden to get some Panda. I literally cried when we walked in. The sights and the smells just completely overwhelmed me and it just felt like home. I LOVE this stuff.
Anyway, moving on...
Chris's brother Cody and his wife Lyn are so good to us and have bought us a couple bottles of this because they know how much we love the Panda.

You start with cut up pieces of boneless skinless chicken breast, dip them in egg and then cover them with a flour/salt and pepper mixture.
Next you fry them up. You are supposed to use a deep fryer or a wok, but we don't have either of those so we just did it the old fashioned way.

Lastly, cover them in the orange goodness and you are good to go!
It wasn't just like the real thing, but it will tide us over until we get to Mesa!
Lastly, cover them in the orange goodness and you are good to go!
This is our 2010 calendar hanging in our office: 
At the bottom of each month are Panda Coupons! Happy Day!
You can get this calendar for free when you buy a $25 Panda gift card! When we were in Boise for Thanksgiving we bought the gift card, got the calendar for free, and then used the gift card to pay for our $38.05 meal (we were buying for 8) all in one visit! So basically free calendar and $50 worth of coupons! I love working the system! Coupons and Panda Express in one?! Does it get any better people? I don't think so!
Let's do it! I think that would be so fun. We should start doing something like once a month :) Cause Sarah and your time here is very limited. And like you said if no one else can come, Chris and Dan can play.
holy cow, it looks just like real panda express orange chicken! way to go! i'm not brave enough to attempt that. and also, SUPER cute background! i love it.
No way! I too love Panda Express and miss living in Utah for it (PF Changs too). Doesn't it kill you that there is not a decent chinese resturant in Idaho Falls! My mouth waters just talking about it. Good for you for making your own.
OMG!!! my mouth is watering! i'll have to get someone to send me some of that sauce.
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