Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Review

This has quite possibly been the biggest year of our marriage! Here are the highlights:

  • In April we graduated from BYU-Idaho
  • We made our first big and semi-permanent move to Meridian, ID
  • I got my first real full time job doing public relations for Scentsy
  • In September Chris started his first semester of pharmacy school through Idaho State. The first year is supposed to be the hardest and he did wonderfully!
  • In October we moved into our first house! We couldn't love it more!
More recently...

  • I took a work trip to Toronto, Canada and to Ohio for work. Since I was already back east I took a few days and was able to visit my sister Traci and her family in New York! I hadn't seen them in 2 years! I cried at when I saw Traci at the airport! I couldn't believe what a baby I was being, but sometimes you forget how much you love your family and how important they are to you until you see them face to face. It was such a great trip!
  • We are loving our new ward! Chris teaches the 14-15 year old Sunday school class and I teach the 4th Sunday (teaching for our times) Relief Society lesson. I was also on the "fruit basket committee" as I called it, literally that is what it was! haha! But unfortunately that ended with Christmas.
  • We hosted our first Thanksgiving! It was chaotic but a success none the less.
  • We were unable to go home to AZ for Christmas this year because the didn't want to face the scary roads and we waited too long to buy plane tickets before they were way out of our price range. This was my first Christmas away from home and family. I was sad about it at first, but the closer Christmas came the more fun and exciting it was to have our own little Christmas. We got a tree (fake, but with the Christmas Tree Scentsy Bar, who needs real? :) ), I stuffed our stockings and we got each other all sorts of fun gifts. It was a wonderful Christmas after all!
  • I have had this week off of work for the holidays. It has been one of the best vacations ever! We have literally done nothing but lounge around in our PJs all day, eat, sleep and watch movies. I feel so well rested and refreshed and ready to take on a new year!

I can already tell 2011 is going to be full and eventful year! I cannot wait to see what life has in store for us! I am starting it with a bang thanks to work: I am going on a two week Scentsy tour of the Southern US. I will travel to Washington, Oregon, two cities in California, Nevada, Arizona and Texas in just two weeks for the Spring Sprint! It is sort of a traveling, mini, one day convention in each city. We will be traveling on these awesome decked out Scentsy RVs and will see thousands of Consultants along the way. Since I end in Texas, I'm going to fly home to AZ for a few days to see my family. Its gonna be fun!!

Happy New Year from us to you!


KAZ said...

What an awesome job you have! I wish mine was as exciting as yours. :)

Rebel said...